15 Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health


This beautiful red skin-colored fruit has so many benefits for the health of the human body. In fact, because of the abundance of nutrients in it.
Dragon fruit has a unique physique, from the skin that looks like a dragon to the flesh which is dark red but some are white. In addition, dragon fruit is also included in the cactus species.
Meanwhile, the flesh is almost similar to kiwi, there are black seeds in it, but the flesh on this dragon fruit has the opposite taste, which is sweet. The content of dragon fruit flesh is very good for the body because it contains many minerals and vitamins.

Dragon Fruit Unique Facts
Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya itself, comes from Central America, then began to be exported to several subtropical Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Dragon fruit is also a fruit that brings good luck to the people of Vietnam and China.
Before discussing its abundant benefits, it is interesting to find unique facts that are not widely known about dragon fruit:
Who would have thought that dragon fruit grows on the pitaya cactus plant, The pitaya plant flowers only bloom for one night per fruit cycle. One pitaya cactus plant can produce up to 10 kilograms (kg) of dragon fruit every year, Nocturnal animals such as moths and bats are very instrumental in pollinating this fruit. The best way to enjoy dragon fruit is to refrigerate it first.

Dragon Fruit Nutritional Content
Dragon fruit has quite low calories and many nutrients contained in it ranging from vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, fiber, phosphorus, protein and of course high antioxidants.
There are still many who think that dragon fruit with red and white flesh has different nutritional content, but in fact it is more or less the same. This fruit is also safe for consumption by all ages, even for pregnant women.
The following nutritional content is contained in every 100 grams (g) of dragon fruit:
Calories: 60, Protein: 1.2 g, Fat: 0 g, Carbs: 13 g, Fiber: 3 g, Vitamin C: 3% of the Nutritional Adequacy Ratio (RDA), Iron: 4% RDA, Magnesium: 10% RDA.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Body Health
1. Source of Several Types of Antioxidants
Antioxidants are compounds that protect the body's cells from unstable molecules called free radicals, which are linked to chronic disease and aging.
Interestingly, dragon fruit contains several types of antioxidants at once. Namely betalains, hydroxycinnamates and flavonoids. Betalains are useful in fighting bad cholesterol. Hydroxycinnamates are anticancer. While flavonoids play a role in brain health.
Overall, the efficacy of red dragon fruit can reduce the risk of several diseases such as migraine, cancer, cataracts, osteoporosis, hypertension, and so on. In addition, dragon fruit can also maintain the body's nerves with its Vitamin B content.
2. Helps the Detoxification Process
The benefits of dragon fruit are very powerful for the detoxification process. Dragon fruit as a source of antioxidants, can reduce the presence of free radicals in the body.
So that the process of removing toxins from the body or called detoxification will become smoother, the body will be healthier.
3. Able to Prevent Diabetes
The next benefit of dragon fruit is to prevent diabetes. The antioxidant content in dragon fruit also functions as a way to prevent diabetes mellitus.
Antioxidants are able to kill bad cells from an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. In addition, because the sugar content is very low, this fruit is also safe for people with diabetes to consume in the right amount.
4. Ward off Cancer
In general, red fruit contains lycopene in the flesh, just like dragon fruit. The content of lycopene in dragon fruit has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Not only the content of lycopene, the antioxidant hytoalbumin is also able to prevent the formation of carcinogenic free radicals in the body. As well as removing metal toxins that can cause cancer.
5. Lowers High Blood Pressure
In addition to functioning to prevent cancer, Lycopene also has a function as a lowering of high blood pressure and preventing heart disease. That's because the black seeds of dragon fruit are rich in nutrients that can prevent disorders of the cardiovascular system.
6. Helps Digestive Problems
Feeling difficult to defecate? This fruit can be an effective solution for those who experience constipation. The high fiber content in dragon fruit can help your digestion become smooth and treat constipation or constipation.
Digestion becomes smooth and anti-clogged defecation. Moreover, the protein content can make the body healthier and fresher.
7. Maintain Bone Health
One of the benefits of dragon fruit is that it is very effective in maintaining bone health. This fruit has a high mineral content of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
For this reason, dragon fruit is very good for consumption by infants and toddlers. The benefits of dragon fruit help their growth and strengthen their bones.
8. Promotes Blood Circulation
In addition, the phosphorus and iron contained in it can help improve blood circulation and repair damaged tissues in the body. The content of vitamin C, antioxidants and flavonoids that are there can also flex the blood arteries or the part that regulates blood circulation.
9. Relieves Rheumatism
Rheumatism directly affects the joints and causes severe irritation, as well as impeding the patient's movement. Adding dragon fruit to your daily diet can help fight this disease.
The benefits of dragon fruit for people suffering from arthritis are very large because of its role as an anti-inflammatory fruit.
10. Soothes Burnt Skin
Another benefit of dragon fruit is being able to soothe burned or blistered skin. Toppers can combine dragon fruit with cucumber juice and honey, these three ingredients are very effective for moisturizing the skin or removing wounds.
Dragon fruit with its vitamin B3 content can moisturize sunburned skin and release heat from the exposed area.
11. Secrets of Youthful Age
Regular consumption of dragon fruit can significantly reduce the signs of aging. With its high antioxidants, the skin remains firm and youthful.
To get the benefits, you can make a face mask using this fruit combined with honey as a natural alternative to anti-aging masks.
12. Increase Body Immunity
Toppers can process dragon fruit into juice as an alternative way of consumption. One of the benefits of dragon fruit juice is as a good source of vitamin C, it helps in strengthening immunity and warding off all diseases.
It also helps the body absorb iron, produces collagen which makes our teeth healthier, and promotes healthy and glowing skin.
13. Helps Lose Weight
Dragon fruit is the right fruit to help diet patterns. For those who are on a diet to maintain an ideal weight, dragon fruit can be included in your snack or breakfast menu.
Because dragon fruit is rich in fiber and low in calories, which can make you feel fast without fear of gaining weight. In addition, a lot of fiber can also help digestion become smoother.
14. Folate Source
One of the important substances contained in dragon fruit for pregnant women is folate. One of the services of folate for pregnant women is to form red blood cells and maintain the baby's nervous system.
Thus, the adequacy of folate for pregnant women is very important to note and dragon fruit is one that can be relied on.
15. Prevents Anemia during Pregnancy
The formation of red blood cells in the body is supported through iron intake. Dragon fruit is a fruit that contains a lot of iron. Iron will be converted into red blood cells, so it is beneficial for pregnant women who are prone to anemia.

It is also very beneficial for the fetus in the womb. Since the fetus needs oxygen and good nutrition for growth, red blood cells have an important role in this process. 
Those are some of the benefits of dragon fruit that Toppers need to know. Build a healthy lifestyle by diligently eating fruits and vegetables. Besides being delicious to eat, the nutrients contained in fruits and vegetables are also able to keep your body healthy.

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